
Showing posts from November, 2017

Unit 35 - Sound Creation and Manipulation - LO3 - Sam Hayes

Using Samplers to Create Tracks My Piece called "Squid Unk": Sam Hayes - Squid Unk This is my final piece with the red tracks showing the sampled tracks that I put into a sampler and played into my track with a keyboard. The blue tracks are the sample sounds I've put into my track straight from the audio that I've cut and edited manually and the green tracks are my synthesizer tracks that I inputted using MIDI. The white track is my example of using patch bays to create a sound in reason and use it as a slave device for logic pro. I have arranged my song to have a developing structure with a changing melody in the second part going back to the first melody after; showing an A 0 , B, A 1 structure. I made sure the texture of my track increased throughout to show development, with parts sometimes cutting out to vary dynamics more. The sampler I used in this unit was the EXS24 as in this, I would be able to set a sound I've recorded as either all the not...

Unit 35 - Sound Creation and Manipulation - LO2 - Sam Hayes

Using Synthesizers to Create Tracks In this unit, I was instructed to create a piece of music showing skills with use of samplers and synthesizers. I had to make sure everything in my track was original and either recorded or created entirely by me, as I wanted to avoid any plagiarism that could come from using other peoples sounds and designs. This was important as if the piece wasn't completely original, then I could be infringing on someone else's copyright. In the track I created, I used synthesizers such as the ES1 subtractive synth, the ES2 hybrid synth and the EXS24 sampler and with these I created different sounds using the editing functions available in these synthesizers. These include oscillators, LFOs, filters and envelopers. All of these functions can work together to create desired sounds and effects that I wanted for my piece. Presets: In all of the synthesizers I used, there were presets I could use and edit to make into my own sounds, but as I want...